10.000+ chemicals in stock

 Custom Synthesis service

 Delivery < 72 hours

 Free Quotations within 24 hours


High-Quality research chemicals

About us

007Chemicals B.V. is a Netherlands based company that focuses on the manufacturing and supply of high quality chemical building blocks (research chemicals). Our aim is to provide chemical research compounds in a fast, convenient way and for a sharp price. 

007Chemicals has a large catalogue of +10.000 chemicals in-stock and can be delivered in 48h worldwide. We constantly expand our catalogue to increase our value for our customers. Examples of our chemicals building block categories are piperidine, pyridine, pyrrolidine, thiazole, imidazole, indole, and tetrazole derivatives.

Next to our in-stock catalogue products, 007Chemicals also offers chemical services. These services are custom synthesis, custom peptide synthesis, elemental analysis, and CRO.

Company details:

007Chemicals B.V.

Adress: Halte 10, 5753 SH Deurne, The Netherlands

Company register no.: 67406092, VAT no. NL856972460B01

E-mail: info@007Chemicals.com

Phone number: +31 85 888 32 48

007Chemicals stands for:

 High Quality products

 Fast delivery

 Great customer service

 Easy ordering

✓ Competitive pricing