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N-Methoxy-N-methylacetamide || cas 78191-000 || MFCD00060099
UIPAC Name | N-Methoxy-N-methylacetamide |
Cas no. | cas 78191-000 |
MDL no. | MFCD00060099 |
Purity | min. 95%% |
Molecular weight | 365 |
Chemical formula | C14H20ClNO8 |
N-Methoxy-N-methylacetamide is only for laboratory use. N-Methoxy-N-methylacetamide can also be found under its synonyms cas 78191-000 or the MDL number MFCD00060099. For the COA of cas 78191-000 or the MSDS sheet please send an inquiry via email. This chemical structure has a Molecular weight of 365 and chemical formula is C14H20ClNO8.
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